John 1:1-18

Leader:  Have students have their notebooks and write down the section reference.

Tell them to write down any references that stand out to them, either confusing, inspiring, meaningful, etc.  Have them end with an application.

You do not need to do every question below.  This is just a guide.


  • When you see “the Word” in this passage, think of Jesus. The Word in Greek is logos. Logos is God expressing who he is. Jesus is the full expression of who God is because he is God.

  • The main theme of the book is that Jesus is the promised Savior King (Messiah) of the Old Testament and that he is the Son of God who has come to save us from our sin and restore the broken relationship between God and man.

  • The book of John is written by the disciple John. In this book we hear John described as the “disciple whom Jesus loved”

  • John wants people not just to turn from sin and come to faith in Jesus but to experience the life change that comes from following him.

Read John 1.1-18 (or listen on Streetlights)

  • Highlight/underline any verses that stand out to you or that are confusing.

  • What themes do you see or what do you think this is about?  (Want kids to grow in identifying what a whole passage is about)

Read Verses 1-5

  • Did any verses in this section stand out or confuse you?

  • What do we learn about who Jesus is?   What does Jesus do? (Remember “the Word” is Jesus)

Read Verses 6-8

  • Did any verses in this section stand out or confuse you?

  • Who are these verses about? What do you know about this character?

  • What does it mean to be a witness to Jesus? 

  • How could we be a witness? 

Read Verses 9-13

  • Did any verses in this section stand out or confuse you?

  • What does this passage tell us about Jesus’ relationship with the world and how they treat him?

  • What does it mean to be a child of God? Why is this important?

Read Verses 14-18

  • Did any verses in this section stand out or confuse you?

  • The Son of God has always existed. The Father, Son and Spirit are the three persons of the One God. But when Jesus was born, the Son took on a human body as a baby.

  • Why do you think it is important that Jesus is fully human?

  • Why do you think it is important that Jesus is fully God?

(Can also point out that the firstborn son in the ancient Near East, was the one who would inherit everything from the father - though Jesus was born from Mary, He is eternal.)


  1. So what?

  2. What does this passage tell us about who God is?

  3. What does this passage tell us about who we are?

  4. What is one way what we read might affect how you live your life? 

  5. How does this affect your thoughts, or actions towards God and others?


ROOTED Week 9 Spring 2024
