John 10
Leader: Have students have their notebook and write down the section reference.
Tell them to write down any references that stand out to them, either confusing, inspiring, meaningful, etc. Have them end with an application.
The main theme of the book of John is that Jesus is the promised Savior (Messiah) of the Old Testament and that he is the Son of God who has come to offer eternal life to those who repent and believe in him.
The book of John is written by the disciple John. In this book we here John described as the “disciple whom Jesus loved”
John wants people not just to come to faith in Jesus but to experience the life changing transformation that comes from following him.
A sheepfold is a courtyard next to a house where families kept their sheep. They usually did not have an actual door but the shepherd slept at the gate. The shepherd have to fight off wild animals that would attack sheep and locate a sheep if it wandered off.
Read the whole passage aloud. (streetlights)
Highlight/underline any verses that stand out to you or that are confusing.
What themes do you see? (Want kids to grow in identifying what a whole passage is about)
Read Verses 1-10
What does Jesus mean when he says he is the door of the sheep?
(They must pass by/through him.)
What does it mean to come through the door?
(Enter into his protection, care, safety)
Who might the people be that come over the wall and not the gate?
(People that are pretending to be “sheep” but are actually wolves. They are trying to get the sheep to believe something else.)
(Today this could be ideologies that enter the church, false teachers, but even friends who say one thing but do/say something different.)
Read Verses 11-18
What does this passage teach us about who Jesus is? The Father? How do they relate to each other?
(As “Father and son” they have intimate knowledge and love for each other. But also the father knows his own and Jesus brings them in.)
What does it mean that Jesus is the good shepherd?
(His reason and motivation is pure. It’s not a job for him but these are his sheep whom he cares for and loves.)
(He also says there are other sheepfolds that he must bring together as one. Previous, God dealt with the Jews. They were His people. But now he is dealing with the Jews and the Gentiles - the New Israel - the church.)
Read Verses 22-40
Why are the Pharisees angry with Jesus?
(Because he claimed to be the son of God. They were expecting a Messiah - a king who would change everything but they didn’t expect him to be like Jesus.)
So what?
What does this passage tell us about who God is?
What does this passage tell us about who we are?
What verse stood out to you?
What is one way this teaching might affect how you live your life? How does this teaching affect your feelings, thoughts, or actions towards God and others?