John 11

Leader:  Have students have their notebook and write down the section reference.

Tell them to write down any references that stand out to them, either confusing, inspiring, meaningful, etc.  Have them end with an application.


  • The main theme of the book of John is that Jesus is the promised Savior (Messiah) of the Old Testament and that he is the Son of God who has come to offer eternal life to those who believe in him

  • The book of John is written by the disciple John. In this book we hear John described as the “disciple whom Jesus loved”

  • John wants people not just to come to faith in Jesus but to experience the life-changing transformation that comes from following him.

  • After three days of death, a person’s soul was pronounced to have left their body. Notice how Jesus waits until day 4 in the story.

Read the whole passage aloud. 

  • Highlight/underline any verses that stand out to you or that are confusing.

  • What themes do you see? (Want kids to grow in identifying what a whole passage is about)

Read Verses 1-16

  • What is the problem in this passage?

Read Verses 17-27

  • How does Jesus respond to Martha and Mary?

  • What does Jesus teach about who He is?

Read Verses 28-37

  • Did anything surprise you about Jesus’ response?

Read Verses 38-44

  • Why do you think Jesus wept if he knew he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead?

    • (He felt what loss feels like and he saw and heard the sadness of others).

  • What does this tell us about God’s response to death, pain and suffering?

    • (It saddens God as well.  Death is a result of the fall of man.  But God also knows that death of the physical body is not the end for any of us.)

  • What does this tell us about Jesus being fully God and fully man?

    • (Jesus was fully God but willingly gave that up in order to be fully man.  God is omnipresent and though Jesus could have been, he chose not to be.  As a result, he wasn’t there when Lazarus died.)

Read Verses 45-57

  • How do the Pharisees respond to Jesus’ miracle? 

  • What does this tell us about the condition of their heart?


  1. So what?

  2. What does this passage tell us about who God is?

  3. What does this passage tell us about who we are?

  4. What verse stood out to you?

  5. What is one way this teaching might affect how you live your life? How does this teaching affect your feelings, thoughts, or actions towards God and others?


